by Tricia Kidd
I’m not sure if aging gracefully in a business environment is any different from aging gracefully in everyday life. But it might help you to be mindful of the challenges you face with aging.
There are several things that you notice at work: your brain doesn’t seem to work as fast; you’re spending more money on glasses; your energy levels need more supervision and you get frustrated.

You were pretty sure that you were on a trajectory towards finally getting good at your job, you were ascending the managerial ranks, or you were becoming a recognised master of your profession. Why this cruel blow now? You also start seeing repeats in the business.
Phrases like: ‘I’ve seen it all before’ and ‘I knew this was coming’ and ‘I said this years ago’ start coming to mind. If you have worked in the same company for a long time, the long-held frustrations that you may have had, come to the front of your thoughts more often. A hint of ‘being tired of people’s ignorance’ together with fatigue, can make you short tempered.
A business family does have different generations of workers. Being valuable at your age is something you always need to work on. As a more senior worker you’re not going to be judged simply because of your age. As with anyone else, what matters is you. You have the benefit of experience, skills, and insights. So, your challenge is to make these useful to the team. It’s all about being a true and mature version of yourself. Be honest about what benefits you bring to the company.
Don’t fear what you can’t do, build on what you can do. Be kind to yourself and help those who are facing the obstacles that you have overcome. The truth is, you love this company and you love this challenge, you own it in your heart. Turn any anger into affirmative action.
Forget the past. We have a problem to solve now, no matter how it has arisen, how are we going to solve it?
Forget your age, leave your baggage at the door.
Go blossom!
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