by Tricia Kidd
Do you know that feeling when someone gets promoted to a new role? They are so excited, and they have worked hard to imagine themselves in that role and to convince the management that they are ready for it.
It is an inspiring time, going for promotion.
Making a mark
They join a new team; they want to make their mark; they are friendly, and they are full of ideas. You sit there in the meeting, feeling slightly jaded because that novelty has worn off for you. You were them a few years ago, but now, you have so much work you don’t know where to look for a bit of peace.
They, on the other hand, are full of bright ideas and enthusiasm. They are mentally skipping around the fresh new field like a spring lamb.
What do you do in this situation?
Well, you should love it! You sit back in the warmth of their sunny glow. They are the ones who are going to carry the torch of enthusiasm for the next few months. They are the ones who are going to do the heavy lifting in the lightness and fresh ideas department.
All you have to do is smile and simply enjoy their enthusiasm. Let it flow through you and bask in the warm and cosy feeling that comes with the presence of a new energy in the room. It’s a bit like when there is a heavy and serious family discussion going on and the children run in and insist that you cuddle their teddy. You realise that life goes on, the cycle repeats and there are always people who bring in the light. It’s not always your job to do that.
But get that heavy project finished and tidy your desk because your turn will come again soon!
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